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About Me

About Me

Welcome, I'm Sydney. I am an Integrative Genetics and Genomics PhD candidate at University of California, Davis, where I study zebrafish reproductive organ development with Bruce Draper.

I began exploring science communication and outreach during college through volunteer work. During graduate school career exploration workshops I learned I could combine my love of science, writing and communication into a science writing career. Since then, I have served as editor-in-chief of Science Says as well as written and edited for UCD BioScope in addition to my thesis work.

Work Experience

Science Writing Experience


I serve as the elected President of Science Says, and as Editor-in-Chief of our various science blogs. As President, I run leadership meetings, arrange and send monthly newsletters, and develop event advertisements. As Editor-in-Chief, I work with writers to develop their blogs and design and publish the final piece. In addition, I have written several pieces covering events and interviews in my role as President. I continue to co-manage the @SciSays Twitter account and contribute to event planning.


I write and edit for UCD BioScope. Generally, writers and editors are paired and publish twice a year, with each piece edited by the entire group prior to publication. Therefore, I am credited as official editor on some pieces, but contribute to all.


I served as an elected Social Media Team member for Science Says. As part of my role, I managed the @SciSays Twitter account and wrote for the Spotlights blog.




University of California, Davis

I am pursuing my doctorate in Integrative Genetics and Genomics and a designated emphasis in biotechnology under the mentorship of Dr. Bruce Draper. My thesis project investigates the mechanism of reproductive organ development in zebrafish. You can learn more about our work here. I was awarded an institutional NIH T32 grant in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 2017 and the NSF GRFP in 2018.


University of Utah

I earned my Bachelor of Science in Biology, with an Honors Certificate and a Research Scholar Designation. During my education, I was a member of two undergraduate research programs: Bioscience Undergraduate Research Program (BioURP) and Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). As part of BioURP, I worked with Dr. Deborah Neklason researching the genetics of familial colorectal cancer. As part of UROP, I worked with Dr. Andrea Bild, who has since moved to City of Hope, researching breast cancer drug resistance.

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